Lysogenic Cycle

∞ generated and posted on 2016.02.27 ∞

Bacterial infection by temperate bacteriophage during which prophage formation and prophage replication occur, but not virion release.

What specifically does not occur during a lysogenic cycle is the production of virion phage progeny. Instead, the phage genome both persists and is replicated with neither either becoming encapsidated nor leaving the bacteria they infect for the extracellular environment.

During lysogenic cycles the host bacteria exist as lysogens. The prophages can also effect lysogenic conversion. The overall process is known as lysogeny.

See too lysogenic cycle, lysogenic infection, and lysogenization, but please avoid using the term "lysogenic phage" to describe the phages involved as it is incorrect usage (use "temperate" phage instead).

The term provirus describes a somewhat equivalent state for non-bacteriophage viruses. The terms "lysogeny" and derivatives as well as "temperate", however, are not used in conjunction with the discussion of proviruses.
