
∞ generated and posted on 2020.12.17 ∞

Presence of an excess or dearth of one or a few chromosomes in a eukaryotic cell.

An Aneuploid essentially is a set of chromosomes that is erroneous in terms of number.

Aneuploids are a consequence of nondisjunctions.

One too few chromosomes is a monosomy while one too many is an trisomy.

The following video is a brief discussion of aneuplodies from the perspective of maternal age:

Human aneuploidies, particularly that tend to survive to adulthood, include Turner syndrome (monosomy X), Down syndrome (trisomy 21), and Klinefelter syndrome (XXY). Human aneuploidies that present no or few abnormalities include trisomy X (i.e., XXX) and XYY.